On the land of Fthiotida, in a village called Pelasgia lay the fertile, organicaly cultivated olive groves of the Kousvantelos family.

Back to the history of ancient Greece, Pelasgia is the land of the very first Hellenic population settled in Greece with the name “Pelasgi”. This is how Pelasgia obtained its name.

Nowdays, the area is best known for its rich agricultural production, while the local tradition is closely related to olive cultivation.


Organic extra virgin olive oil

Produced by ripe organically grown and carefully collected olives, fthia-terra olive oil has a unique rich flavour and an intense aroma.

Early harvest extra virgin olive oil

This special olive oil is produced by green olives harvested in the beginning of every season (in September). What is special about it..

Organic extra virgin olive oil 4L.

Produced by ripe organically grown and carefully collected olives, fthia-terra olive oil has a unique rich flavour and an intense aroma.

Black organic olives

A delicious snack and a perfect appetiser, fthia-terra black organic salted olives will definitely become your favourite.